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Govt. Subsidy Details

"Solar Installations for Home with 40% Government Subsidy"

Looking to make your home energy-efficient and cost-effective? Take advantage of MNRE’s subsidy scheme and invest in solar installations for your home today. With this government subsidy, you can enjoy up to 40% off the cost of your solar system, making it an affordable and smart choice for reducing your electricity expenses.

Solar installations for homes are a cost-effective solution that allows you to generate your own clean and renewable energy. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can significantly reduce your dependence on grid electricity and cut down on your monthly electricity bills. With the added benefit of the government subsidy, the financial return on your solar investment becomes even more attractive.

Installing solar panels on your home not only saves you money but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. Solar energy is clean, renewable, and emits zero greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change and protect the environment. By choosing solar, you make a positive impact on both your wallet and the planet.

With MNRE’s subsidy scheme, going solar has never been more affordable. The subsidy makes it easier for homeowners to embrace solar power and take advantage of its numerous benefits. From reducing your carbon footprint to enjoying long-term energy savings, solar installations with government subsidy provide a win-win situation for homeowners.

Total Capacity of Rooftop Solar Installations
Applicable Subsidy in Terms of Benchmark Costs
Upto 3 kW
Above 3 kW and upto 10 kW
40% for first 3 kW and 20% for balance capacity
Above 10 kW
20% common EB connections in Apartment and flat. No Subsidy beyond 10 kW
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+91 99434 89010

25/19, Gori Mettu Street, Keela Chinthamani, Near Anna Salai, Tiruchirappalli - 620 002.